Dodge Lawsuits
The continued dominance of Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs) in the American marketplace has taken a large toll on transportation safety. Because most SUVs by their very nature have a high center of gravity, they have the notorious distinction of being the most unstable vehicles on the road. Although they’re specifically designed to be driven off the road, very few have roll bars, roll cages or other roof crush or occupant protection devices. And to make matters worse, few SUVs, vans or trucks meet the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) roof support safety standard.
The greed of the automobile corporations should not keep innocent consumers from being protected from such deadly and preventable accidents. The auto industry – including the makers of the Dodge Durango – has resisted legislation for a standard for rollover prevention, creating and implementing mandatory crashworthiness protection controls, or educating consumers about the inherent dangers of rollovers. These aren’t the only safety defects – DaimlerChrysler recently was forced to recall up to 600,000 four-wheel-drive vehicles from its Dodge Durango and Dodge Dakota lines because of worries about front-end ball joints.
If you have been injured in an SUV rollover – whether in a Dodge Durango or otherwise – you deserve to be compensated for your accident. Don’t wait. To find an accident lawyer in your area fill out the free case review form before it’s too late – due to varying statute of limitations constraints, your case can be terminated before you can collect.