Roof Crush Defects

The ability to withstand roof crush is one of the important factors that determine how safe a vehicle will be in a rollover accident. SUVs are the most likely vehicles to experience rollovers and, unfortunately, many have a high propensity for roof crush during an accident. Roof crush occurs largely as a result of defective roof design, in which the vehicle roof is unable to withstand the forces applied to it during a rollover.

Roof Crush Injuries

When a roof collapses, there is less room for the driver and passenger. The collapsing roof strikes their heads and necks, which frequently causes paralysis or death. When a roof crushes, there is also a greater likelihood of the passenger being ejected, which further increases the risk of serious injury or fatality.

Defective Roof Crush Lawsuits

Persons injured or killed by a roof crush during a rollover accident may have been the victims of defective roof design. Contact an accident lawyer to learn more about your legal rights.

Don't delay - Time may be limited to file your claim. Contact us today