Elbow Injury
The elbow is a very complicated joint that most people take for granted. Victims of broken elbows must make drastic adjustments in their daily life to accommodate their loss of mobility. Also susceptible to significant damage are the delicate tendons and muscles that enable arm movement, which are often more difficult to rehabilitate than a fractured or dislocated bone.
Healing a damaged elbow is vitally important after a vehicle accident, but the rehabilitation process is often as painful as the break. If a young child breaks an elbow there is a significant risk that the bones in the arm will not develop properly as the child ages due to the major growth areas surrounding the elbow. Elbow damage in adults can greatly diminish movement, and residual pain often lingers long after the bones have healed. A broken elbow is not merely inconvenient, it is potentially debilitating.
If someone was careless in a vehicle and damaged your elbow, you have the right to be compensated. Just because a broken elbow is a minor injury doesn’t mean those at fault should not make restitution for your pain and suffering. Pursue your claim without delay, for the law limits how much time after your accident you may seek legal action. An experienced personal injury attorney knows how to help you fight for what is yours – contact one today.